Dr. Wyche’s Yellow Tomato Tarot Seed Packet
The Ace of Pentacles represents prosperity and new beginnings. This special breed of tomato, with its sweet, tropical flavor profile, is a wonderful substitute for the average tomato.
Solanum Lycopersicum Annual
Dr. Wyche overwintered with the Carson & Barnes circus, where he fertilized his terraced mountaintop gardens with elephant manure and scattered lion and tiger waste to keep out deer and rabbits. This gorgeous plant produces large golden-yellow tomatoes. Meaty flesh and rich flavor. Indeterminate.
The envelope contains 15 seeds
By Sow the Magic
Due to increasingly stringent laws surrounding the import of even small quantities of seed to many countries, in particular to the EU countries, we are unable to ship seed or plant orders to countries other than the US and Canada. We apologize for any inconvenience.