This collection is for the nature lover, naturalist, and of course, the collector. The “Collector” Couplet contains a curated pair of Felix Doolittle folded cards celebrating found treasures from nature. One card features a series of feathers; the other, four colorful crystals and gems.
Playing off the idea of a couplet in poetry (two lines of verse joined by rhythm and rhyme that express one thought), these two cards are the perfect pair. Presented in a book box, the label is inspired by the art of the envelope: the Couplet name is written in Felix’s calligraphy and the card designs appear as postage stamps. Set includes a Correspondence Log Card for recording to whom and when each card is sent.
10 cards and envelopes – 2 designs (5 each)
Card – 4.25 x 5.5 inches folded
Correspondence Log Card – 5.75 x 8.75 inches
Signature box – 6.25 × 1.25 × 9.88 inches
Printed on ultra-premium, lightly-textured acid-free paper stock
Handmade in the USA